
Wed, Jun 14 2023 | MakeShift

MakeShift and SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking — Better Together

Learn how MakeShift Scheduling complements SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking. Together they make a powerful combo to manage your employee’s time.

Time-tracking tools and staff scheduling software can help businesses of all sizes not survive but thrive.

By combining the two, you can efficiently manage your employees’ time, tasks, and schedule while offering them flexibility.

According to Gartner, 65% of employees say the pandemic has made them rethink the place work should have in their lives.


By blending a time-tracking tool and staff scheduling software, you can maximize the efficiency of your operation, save time and money, and improve your employee experience.

SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking and MakeShift scheduling software form a powerful combo that lets you efficiently manage time and attendance and use that information to streamline your staff scheduling.

We’ll cover how to use these 2 intuitive tools together to create a more harmonious, cohesive work environment and boost productivity.

5 Symptoms of Poor Employee Scheduling & Time Tracking

Employee scheduling, time tracking, and attendance are important areas that can become a real pain in the keister.

You may find yourself deep in the weeds trying to manage these areas if you don’t have a streamlined system for both.

Are you bogged down with any of these common problems that crop up from subpar processes?

1. Poor Accuracy

Clunky employee scheduling and time-tracking systems can lead to inaccuracies. These errors are frustrating for your employees and terribly time-consuming for you to find and fix.

Improperly recording and tracking employee hours can lead to payroll mistakes and time theft. It also makes it tough to create an accurate staff schedule that properly covers shifts.

2. Inefficiency

Staff scheduling and time tracking can be tedious and daunting to manage without the right systems in place.

You and your employees may perform unnecessary, redundant tasks to log work time and create and manage shift schedules.

In a Onepoll survey of 5,000 employees, they found on average, 26% of an employee’s day is wasted on avoidable administrative chores and unnecessary tasks.


Here’s how that time breaks down:

  • 42 minutes — needless administration tasks
  • 36 minutes — unproductive work conversations
  • 28 minutes — attending unnecessary meetings
  • 26 minutes — outdated technology tasks

3. Difficulty in Scheduling Employees

Scheduling employees for multiple shifts can be laborious and time-consuming without a top-notch system.

Optimal staff scheduling requires tracking employee availability, preferences, and skills to ensure the right employees are assigned to the right shifts.

When those key components fall through the cracks, it can result in:

  • Absenteeism
  • Excessive overtime
  • Burnout
  • Low retention

4. Lack of Visibility Into Employee Attendance

Without cutting-edge scheduling and time-tracking solutions, you’ll have a tough time obtaining an accurate picture of your employee attendance.

It can be tricky to track and report on employee leave, absences, and other attendance issues without software specifically designed for this.

5. Difficulty in Task Assignment

Staff scheduling and time tracking info can be difficult to utilize when assigning employees to tasks unless you have high-level systems that seamlessly integrate.

If you don’t have this information readily available, task assignments will probably be a daunting chore you dread. (And, you may regularly end up with unhappy employees who aren’t assigned where they work best.)

What Are MakeShift Scheduling and SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking

MakeShift’s story begins with our founder’s wife, a nurse, and her frustration with the scheduling process.

As any nurse knows, nursing is a rewarding field to work in, but when you’ve worked numerous hours of mandatory overtime, sheer exhaustion creeps in, and it’s hard to shake.

She couldn’t access her schedule on her phone while on the go, so easily swapping shifts with other nurses or seeing available shifts that worked better for her life wasn’t an option.

MakeShift was developed to streamline staff scheduling by allowing real-time schedule management right within the app.

It transforms scheduling into an interactive “conversation” that empowers managers and employees by providing:

  • Flexibility for staff and managers
  • On-the-go schedule management
  • Better team communication
  • More work-life balance.


SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking is a cloud-based solution that provides your organization with simple, innovative tools to record, approve and monitor the time of your workforce.

It gives you a complete view of your overall workforce and enables your employees to enter and amend their time from anywhere in the world.

SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking offers:

  • Flexibility for employees, managers, and time administrators
  • More accurate and timely payments with a clear overview of labor costs
  • Simplified and intuitive role-specific time entry for employees
  • Transparent time evaluation and approval workflow


How MakeShift and SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking Complement Each Other

We all know there are some things that just go better together:

  • peanut butter + jam
  • wine + cheese (or burgers + brew)
  • Danny + Sandy
  • MakeShift + SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking.

Separately, they work fine, but together they’re a dynamite duo.

You could certainly use SAP® SuccessFactors® to create staff schedules.

However, integrating MakeShift as a specialized scheduling solution ups the ante on the impact SAP® SuccessFactors® can have on your workforce.

SAP® gets that integrating top solutions only makes its system more powerful, which is why they’ve brought in partners, including MakeShift.

We know one size doesn’t fit all — MakeShift offers flexibility by allowing you to customize how you incorporate MakeShift with SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking.

Let’s look at this option: SAP® SFSF + SAP® SFSF Time Tracking + MakeShift for Scheduling (Check out the MakeShift listing in the SAP® store for its mid-market and enterprise solutions).


Notice how our award-winning features seamlessly integrate with SAP®

SuccessFactors® and SFSF Time Tracking. Automatic syncing saves time and streamlines both scheduling and tracking time and attendance.

And the integration doesn’t end there.

When you add MakeShift Scheduling to SAP® SFSF Time Tracking, you’ll get:

1. Automation of Scheduling Processes

Automation is more than a buzzword. In business today, automation is a critical element that impacts a company’s level of success.

The information available through the SAP® time tracking tool makes creating staff schedules easier and more streamlined.

  • Build schedules in minutes by using time tracking, employee availability, and schedule templates.
  • Fill shifts faster when you send push notifications to your entire team about shift availability.
  • Increase employee engagement through enhanced communication, collaboration, and flexibility.

2. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

The Great Resignation is real — 43% of employees will likely consider changing jobs in 2023.

Because of this, you may lose some employees.

Focusing on increasing efficiency and productivity can help protect your business if you face a labor shortage and also help with staff retention.

Combining MakeShift scheduling and SAP® SuccessFactors® time tracking will boost your operation’s efficiency and productivity by:

  • Allowing employees to record their time worked and request time off or a shift swap on any mobile device.
  • Making it easy for managers to track and approve working times and other work-related requests.
  • Providing real-time evaluation of how long tasks take, which improves scheduling in the future

3. Improved Data Accuracy

By utilizing both solutions and harnessing the data gathered from each, you’ll have accurate information on various workforce issues.

Compiling real-time data helps your business and your employees in a number of ways.

Payroll is more accurate when employee time is precisely tracked.

Automated alerts for thresholds like overtime or late arrivals make managing these issues easier.

Detailed time tracking improves the accuracy of your staff scheduling.

Benefits of Using MakeShift and SAP® Time Tracking Together

Integrating MakeShift scheduling with SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking actually enhances the ability of both individual solutions.

The result is a more powerful tool that elevates employee experience and boosts your business's overall efficiency and productivity.

Our top-rated benefits are:

Improved Visibility of Employee Data 

Get to know your employees. WHO they are, HOW they work, and WHAT they need through embedded analytics and reporting.

Upstream time integration scenarios allow integration of external clock terminals to record working time or import externally planned schedules from MakeShift scheduling.

Increased knowledge of how your employees spend their work time will help you manage your workforce more effectively.

Better Task Management

SAP® SFSF Time Tracking helps you understand how long tasks take, which helps improve overall task management.

You’ll have realistic expectations on task completion and the data to support your expectations.

Time tracking also helps with skills-based scheduling so that you can put employees where they can best use their skills and work most efficiently.

Enhanced Employee Engagement

The flexibility that comes from any time, anywhere access enhances employee engagement.

When your employees can record working times, access their schedule, and request time off or a shift swap while on the go, they’ll feel valued and more in control of their work life.

Employee engagement matters — maybe more than you know.

Studies have shown that companies with highly engaged employees have a 31% lower turnover rate and more employee loyalty.


MakeShift Scheduling + SAP® SuccessFactors® Time Tracking

SAP® SFSF offers tools to elevate your employee experience and streamline your entire operation.

Incorporating MakeShift scheduling enhances the SAP® SuccessFactors® time tracking tool created to help your business run at the highest level of efficiency.

MakeShift will streamline and modernize your staff scheduling while seamlessly integrating with SAP® SFSF Time Tracking to complete the picture of productivity and profitability.

Check us out in the SAP® store today.



Ready to Make the Shift?



Asher Fredricks

Written By: Asher Fredricks

Asher has been helping businesses improve their staff scheduling and human capital management systems for over 4 years. Before setting out to improve HR departments with people-first initiatives and technologies, he earned his MBA in Business Management.